Post workshop update

We thank all participants for their strong support,
as a result the next Quantum Energy Intiative workshop is being planned 
for 6-10 Jan 2025 - SEE HERE.



Many of the talks from the workshop are now videos on the Quantum Energy Initiative (QEI) youtube channel

                  QEI youtube channel



Launched in August 2022, the Quantum Energy Initiative aims to foster a worldwide community of experts caring about the physical resource cost of emerging quantum technologies, and willing to develop scientific approaches to estimate and minimize these costs. Addressing these questions mandates to put in synergy a broad range of expertises, from fundamental quantum physics to enabling technologies, from hardware to software, from research to industry. This first inaugural workshop of the Quantum Energy Initiative will bring together highly renowned speakers of all these areas, to provide their vision on these exciting and essential questions. It will also leave time for discussions and crossed-fertilization, first steps towards the build up of new methodologies and roadmaps.

Confirmed Invited speakers:

  • Janet Anders (Exeter University)
  • Gavin Brennen (Macquarie University)
  • Rodrigo Cortinas (Yale University)
  • Joe Fitzsimons (Horizon Quantum Computing)
  • Mile Gu (NTU, MajuLab)
  • Benjamin Huard (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
  • Ronnie Kosloff (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
  • Kwek Leong Chuan (CQT, MajuLab, NTU)
  • Eric Lutz (University of Stuttgart)
  • Satoshi Matsuoka (R-CCS) 
  • Varun Narasimhachar (A*Star)
  • Hui Khoon Ng (Yale NUS, MajuLab, CQT)
  • Hanhee Paik (IBM)
  • Masahito Ueda (University of Tokyo) 
  • Mattia Walschaers (CNRS, LKB, SU)
  • Gentaro Watanabe (Zhejiang University)
  • Peter Zoller (University of Innsbruck) 


Physical resource costs will be explored at 5 interconnected levels, defining the 5 topics of the workshop:

  1. Fundamental quantum devices
  2. Quantum hardware
  3. Quantum algorithms and software
  4. High performance & hybrid computing 
  5. Fundamental thermodynamics of information


Scientific & Organizing Committee

  • Alexia Auffèves (CNRS, MajuLab, CQT)
  • Yvonne Gao (NUS, MajuLab, CQT)
  • Clara Fontaine (NUS, CQT)
  • Olivier Ezratty (QEI)
  • Ye Jun (IHPC, A*Star)
  • Nelly Ng (NTU, MajuLab)
  • Dario Poletti (SUTD, MajuLab)
  • Janine Splettstoesser (Chalmers University)
  • Robert Whitney (CNRS, LPMMC)


A*STAR - Agency for Science, Technology and Research. Singapore.  Ambassade de France à SingapourPRX QuantumCNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FranceCQT - Centre for Quantum Technologies, SingaporeHorizon Quantum ComputingIBM QuantumMajulab - CNRS  International Research LaboratoryQilimanjaro - Quantum TechQuantum Engineering Program SingaporeQYRA - Quantum Young Researchers Association, Singapore

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